Julia Cameron's, The Artist Way.
Most likely you have either heard of it, this book is maybe on your bookshelf, has been gifted to you or you have always wanted to take the time but never quite felt you "had the time".
This brilliant book, The Artists Way is a process created by the amazing Julia Cameron in 1992 and has been participated by many and has helped facilitate incredible and important creations that sometimes do not surface from the inner depths of a person, unless you create space to be with the unseen and unknown of "creative blocks" that are based on an emotional response of inner woundedness of others telling you what you are good at or not and your inner artist child can get stuck in a dark place for years and this work bring this child to the surface ,to play and to help you create a life that you are ready to create and live!!
This 12 week journey to your "inner artist child" is one of the most magical inward journeys that I know of and trust. I am so happy to be holding and facilitating a 12 week journey following the book and over zoom holding weekly check ins around this work of morning pages, weekly tasks, artist dates, creative projects and inner depths that will bring you to awarenesses that sometimes are hard to "hear" in the chaos of our masculine dominated world, where creativity can get lost in the sea of responsibility, should and woulds. By taking the time to listen and process what has been in you to surface as a creative becomes explored, drawn to the surface of reality and just maybe you might remember what you are here to explore and unfold into!!
2020 was a year, of pausing and listening to what is truly important to your evolution personally , and your effect on Mother Earth and living in this world together, 2021 was year of getting back to it and facing the changes of who you are and the path of creativity that you were meant to be apart of!!!! What a time then to come together in a winter that is meant to draw you inward, to take stock of what is your inner souls call of the quiet that holds a deep voice to be spoken!! I hope you join this group!!
You will follow the book and its weekly tasks, morning pages on your own, we will then come together each Sunday at 10 am for our process circle from Sunday January 2nd through March 20th!! Each week there will a guided mediation based on Universal Circle. As it is perfect timing to prepare for Spring Equinox of 2022!!
Reach out to me to get Zoom Link, you may offer a donation to my Venmo Kate-Mulheron or Pay Pal katemulheronyoga@gmail.com
Full 12 Week Commitment Suggested $250
What you will need : Purchase the Artist Way, and journal!! to get started ad then let it evolve through your Artist child what other supplies you will need, this is what is exciting about this process!!!