earth ways alumni

Earth Ways Yoga has built a community of teachers through our trainings. They are talented and kind people who have been dedicated to their own path and evolution so they may support you on your way, skilled in a variety of different healing modalities. Please feel free to contact any of them for support on your journey.


Audra Prewitt

Location: Montclair, NJ

Intuitive energy healing, reiki and wellness coaching are my current offerings to the world and both are available in-person or virtually. I also teach in-person Earth Ways Yoga inspired Yin classes in my back yard when the weather permits. My passion has always been in supporting those around me in being their most authentic selves. Both energy work and coaching help my clients to release old ways of being and to begin hearing the quiet voice of their soul. I am committed to helping others in their quest to evolve and walk through this world with more peace and compassion.

The EWY teacher training was a turning point in my life when I began to walk a path of spiritual commitment. Through the training, I began a deep healing within and opened myself to how I could be with others as they traveled their own path of healing. The Nature Ways teachings continue to be an integral part of my every day and support me in staying strong in an oftentimes chaotic world. My healing work in this world is absolutely a result of this beautiful training. 


IG: cardinalwellnesscoaching

FB: audraann


beth woodard

Location: Asheville, NC (Appalachian Mountains)

Beth Woodard is an integrative bodyworker bridging worlds and co creating space within an individuals system to support the body’s ability to heal while fortifying the nervous system.

She takes a holistic approach to massage that seeks out the points of misalignment and provides treatment to those areas while inviting in somatic guidance and energetic medicine. Beth also supports women through out the birth continuum as a full spectrum doula. Supporting women through the transformational processes of becoming Mother is one of her greatest honors.

“To know Earth Ways Yoga is to love Earth Ways Yoga. My journey was one of utter alignment and magic. I met Kate and after a few yoga classes felt pulled to ask her if I could be trained by her. I had no idea what to expect I just knew I was summoned in a way to this training and to this work. I can say confidently without my training with Earth Ways Yoga I would not be able to be of service in the way that I am currently. Looking back my sensitivities were very developed, but like a live wire with little control over how they pulled me through the world. Earth Ways Yoga helped me develop not just my voice but my bodily sensitivities to operate in a good way. I can say it was pivotal for my journey and growth. To this day I remain active in circle and this community. With deep wells of gratitude.”


Bry Kring

Location: Boulder, Co

My name is Bry Kring, and I am a Certified Nurse Midwife, Family Nurse Practitioner, homeopathic provider, Dynamic Body Balancing practitioner, and artist. I practice full scope midwifery and primary care, and holistic, integrative healthcare in Boulder, Fort Collins, and country-wide via telehealth. I am also a watercolor artist

I began practicing EWY in 2014 and was a part of the  inaugural Teacher’s Training in 2017. More than a style of yoga, this practice has invited me deeper into my connection with the nature of my body as undeniably inseparable from the nature of Mother Earth. It has helped to land more fully me in my place upon this earth, and has given me the tools, connection, and inspiration to show up more fully, grounded, authentic, and eternally humbled within my life, in nature, and in my work in the healing arts and as an artist.


Charlotte Sodergren

Location: Denver, Co

What She Does | Charlotte is an author and an Earth Ways Yoga teacher dedicated to bringing magic into dominant culture. Her writings and classes are rich tapestries of imagery that guide readers and students of all ages to a deeper connection with nature, each other, and the sensitive self.

Contact | Based in Denver, CO, she's reachable directly at for yoga class information. You can also read and subscribe to her writings on Substack

Why EWY | Years of trauma, addiction, and corporate burnout finally came to a head for Charlotte in 2021. After struggling with depression, anxiety, and hopelessness, Charlotte was introduced to Kate Mulheron and Earth Ways Yoga. The meditations, postures, and the acknowledgment of the sensitive self deeply resonated, inspiring her to choose a healing path. The practices became life giving, teaching the importance of developing relationships with self and the natural world. Earth Ways brought Charlotte out of the darkness and into a sense of inner magic and light. Now a teacher and advocate for Earth Ways, she continues to believe in how the practice fosters a safe place for slow, gentle, and healing work.


Kate Wood

Location: Denver, CO

What She Does | Kate is a certified Executive + Life Coach focused on helping clients integrate their essential and social selves for a life that is both successful and authentic.

Contact | Kate’s practice, Wildly, is based in Denver, CO where she lives, and she conducts weekly virtual coaching sessions with her clients over Zoom. You can contact her directly at   

Why EWY | After the onset of health issues in 2018, Kate was struggling with shame, brokenness, and the overwhelming sense that she would be forever unlovable. Both coaching and therapy helped, but she needed healing that went deeper than words. She found Kate Mulheron and Earth Ways Yoga at just the right moment and has been a fierce advocate for the practice ever since, acting as a bridge between fellow type-A, productive-obsessed perfectionists and the rich world of nurturance, meaning and purpose that Earth Ways represents. 


Jamaica lh Martin

Location: Portland, OR

Oregon Licensed Couples and Family Therapist Associate

Offering telehealth and in-person services in Oregon with Sprout Therapy PDX

I am currently a therapist in Portland, Oregon working with humans of all ages, specializing in trauma-informed care and focusing on somatic processing. The journey to this place was a long, winding road and a calling I might have never heard if I hadn’t had the tools, support, or stillness that was cultivated during Earth Ways Yoga teacher training. A lifetime of searching for my purpose has been replaced with certainty, continual growth toward authenticity, a big dose of hard work, and supportive tools I use for myself and my clients every day.


Kirsten Snobeck

Location: Sebastapol, CA

Kirsten is an Intuitive Channel, Reiki practitioner, and Artist who weaves through the quantum field of the Akashic Records, Reiki, light language, frequency, and sacred colors, shapes, and symbols, creating a journey to realign you with your original energy blueprint.

She believes we are here on earth to follow our hearts, to love ourselves in our most authentic truth, and to walk the path less traveled to share our unique light.

Earthways Yoga created the foundation for Kirsten to bring her body, mind and essence into coherence, and to deepen her connection with Mother Earth and her intuitive self, so she may share this practice with others.

Learn more about how to work with Kirsten here.


Katie Thomas

Location: Nevada City, California

What She Does: Katie is a lover of the subtle energies at play through colors, emotions, and landscapes. This has guided her to her work as an organic flower farmer. Katie offers Floral Design for events and weddings and has an evolving practice and study with Flower Essence therapy. Flower essences- are a simple, yet profound, vibrational medicine focused on addressing ones current emotional needs with the intent of soul growth and evolution. Further helping to facilitate greater harmony and mind/ body health. 

As a Yoga Instructor, Katie holds a bachelors in Exercise Science and a decade of experience instructing through varies forms of movement. This background allows her to artfully weave her attuned awareness of the human body with a soulful and rich sensory experience. 

Katie’s goal is to help others deepen their sense of connection through the senses, yoga, and subtle support in the land all around. It is through Our Living World that you may reach Katie for flower fun or yoga classes, workshops, or privates! 

Why Earth Ways Yoga: Being a part of the EWY 2017 training was a turning point in my life. A continual deepening back home to myself and a catalyst for all that is to come. It’s helped me to stand back up on my own two feet, ever learning to trust my body and self. The deepened connection to the nature ways is my reminder that I am loved, never alone, and always have solace in the land. The practice has created a space for my inner child to feel safe and cradled by Mother Earth while also bringing forth the warrior spirit of purpose and clarity. It meets you where you are, it sees you, and it pushes you. But ultimately, I continue to practice this style of yoga because, for close to a decade, it continues to center me and quite simply aids me in finding the realest thing I’ve felt- the Divine (Source). 


Insta: & Inradiantbloom


Rylee Lopez

Rylee is on a mission to heal with Mother Earth and practice the teachings from the many creatures which we share this home with. She brings these teachings to her work with families, children, elders, and plants. Rylee hopes that the gifts of nature continue to touch our hearts, supporting us as stewards of Earth through courage, love, and humility. 

Rylee chose this training because it spoke to her heart. Fear and grief for the earth at a young age left a void in Rylee’s life, and for years she covered up the pain in her heart and body. Earth Ways Yoga created a deeply nourishing and healing space that allowed Rylee to integrate and step back into life. While Earth Ways Yoga has shared more than can be typed, this study shared with her tools for processing and walking in this world, learning to care for herself and Mother Earth as one. 



Alex Kinsella

Location: Boston, Ma

My name is Alex Kinsella, and I am currently a master's in divinity student at Harvard University. My current interests include Indigenousness, sovereignty, dance/embodiment as survivance, and combatting violence against Indigenous women and girls. Before returning to school, I worked as the education attorney for the Navajo Nation Department of Justice in Window Rock, Arizona while teaching yoga in Gallup, New Mexico. Before that, I worked on international Indigenous human rights issues through the University of Colorado, participating in foreign domestic litigation for the Maya Leaders Alliance in Southern Belize and international human rights advocacy on behalf of Indigenous communities at the United Nations and the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights. I am a dancer, yoga teacher, and mama to my dog and cat.

The Earth Ways Yoga training was a portal into a new way of seeing and living in the world, one I had been longing for my entire life. Through Kate’s training, I reconnected with my inner experience of divinity and the magical beauty of the natural world that surrounds us. I learned about my sensitivities and how to hold a safe container for myself and those around me. Earth Ways is a lifestyle, one that grounds my life in relationship and reciprocity in ways that will sustain me for a lifetime.
