Embracing the Darkness, ReBirthing the Light -
Celebrating your Whole Self Using the Art of Yoga & Astrology
The Sun, the Moon, the Planets, Your Spirit all are a great Weaving of this Rhythm between Darkness and Light. Come Gather together for 3 days on Beautiful Land in the comforts of Villa Ojai in Ojai, Ca during this Sacred time of Darkness. Kate Mulheron offers her deep gift of tapping into Soul through Yoga and the Native Ways- 7 Direction Morning meditation, movement, asana, breathwork, prayer, and her intuitive healing. Alejandra Salvado will tune into your Birth Soul Chart through Atlantean Astrology to clear and align you with your Core Soul Essence. Our time together is a held, Sacred space in the loving Arms of Beloved Community to deepen Yourself and Who You Are guided by your Heart, to live a Beautiful, Creative, Radiant Life!! This will provide an excellent opportunity for you to get clear on your vision for for the new potent powerful year ahead.
Cost $900
Visit our Facebook Invite for more information