Have you been craving time immersed in nature? Are you seeking a deeper connection to your inner wilderness? Do you have emotions, patterns or beliefs that are unhelpful or blocking you from living fully? You are invited to join an inspired group of women who are all answering YES! to these questions. Join us September 4-7th for an incredible 4-day, 3-night adventure in the stunning Indian Peaks Wilderness.
* 4 days/3 nights connecting with the land, yourself, and fellow journeyers
* Nourishing food for the duration of the trip
* Group Acupuncture sessions w/ Kelly Kessen, L.Ac.
* Group Hypnotherapy sessions w/ Danni Sullivan, CHt
* Sacred Circle work honoring the 7 directions, Elemental Meditation and Yoga w/ Kate Mulheron
* Individual and Group Process support w/ Kathleen Sullivan, Assisting Therapist
It may be your intention to create a deeper connection with the natural world and with yourself. You may use this trip to process fears, nurture creativity, grieve losses, develop clarity, cultivate abundance, access your authentic self, build community, or simply create a memorable experience in nature.
Many of us are being called to shift attitudes or behaviors and connect deeper with Mother Earth. Allow your new tribe, and the magnificent land, to support your healing work.
cost $425
Visit our Facebook Invite for more details.