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Soul Journey To Self Love Workshop with Kate Mulheron


Join Kate Mulheron as she leads a Practice of SELF LOVE this Valentines Day Sunday, February 14th from 4-7 pm. We as a community will journey into the art of love, of Universal Love, that we all have the ability and potential to be with. Sometimes it's the journey to fully comprehend what LOVE truly is (hint, its not prince charming finding the shoe that fits:)), and the act of self love, our greatest and most challenging discovery on our souls path. Why is it that time and time again we get knocked around of a self destructive kind of love when all along the royalty of LOVE has been with you, in you, apart of you, all along?

We will invite the 7 Directions to guide us as we vision within using yoga, meditation, visualization and a sealing of this process as we commit to being in rememberance of what love can truly be. Please join us as we celebrate the truest act of love, our souls path!

Cost: $35

Sign up with Rosie: or (248)701-0301

Visit our Facebook Page for more information  

Earlier Event: December 19
Later Event: March 17