Please Join Kate Mulheron, Creator of Earth Ways Yoga and special guest, Jay Kraemer, LAC and intuitive musician for a 4-day guided Retreat Journey at our retreat home for over 14 years at Joyful Journey Hot Springs!!!
Ignite and Illuminate Your Heart's Path, An Earth Ways Yoga Retreat. Come explore the energy of SUMMER in the desert and the Element of Fire ; staying on track with your mission in life and finding space to balance your well being in the heat of the summers light!! By honoring your connection with Mother Earth and Father Sky through Earth Ways Yoga, Honoring the Sacred 7 Directions,Vision, Nature guided meditations, healing hot springs, Yin Visioning Yoga, Live Soundscaping Music Earth Ways Yoga Classes , Nourishing Foods, and afternoon optional , Essence Rebalancing Sessions with Kate to strengthen your core well being as you allow your HEART and all its wisdom to reset into your alignment for the next year ahead as well as optional acupuncture with Jay Kraemer!
Summer 2025 , it has been a wild ride for the past five and so much inner growth and contemplation has had the opportunity to be expressed through the great passions of what you believe in and where you are ready to facilitate the next level of your growth!! The Element of Fire, ruled by the HEART is known for the summer cycle of the 5 Element Circle. This direction of the cycle helps you receive the physical energy you will need to support the light you carry in this life and more importantly for the next year ahead ; vitality, stability and awakening to greater clarity helps to support your vision forward!! In all of this light, one can get very depleted and sometimes defeated in exhaustion where there may be a lack of joy or an over elation of joy..these are extremes which can lead to depression or pure anxiety and restlessness and then you can lose connection to your hearts voice and balance!! When you burn too bright, too fast, with too many events and directions you may be going there will be no energy for you to finish the commitments of you souls heart path that you are here to embrace.
In this retreat, you will study the Element of Fire , the rhythms of the heart and how to find balance in the summers journey of the heart, and the four officials of the FIRE MERIDIAN CHANNELS : Heart, Small Intestine, Heart Protector, and Triple Heart through yoga, meditation and the self study of the acupuncture and spirit of the points that help you deepen into these channels!! This is a time of the incredible heat of the sun, growth of internal direction that has a manifestation of outward growth, which CAN become dry, over worked with dehydration, depletion and exhaustion!! When we acknowledge the 5 Elements in the Cycle of Life, you begin to watch patterns and habits each season and start to acknowledge where you may get stuck emotionally, energetically and then the lifeforce of Universall Flow can be blocked to your sheer potential of what is possible in the healing ways of your life!! What a journey we have all endured from the year of 2020 and now we have much to acknowledge and honor that we have worked with, fallen into and strengthened the direction forward fro 2022! It is now time that you get all of your parts: mind, body and essence to cooperate with your spinal, strengthened center you hold!!! What have you learned through your springs intentions of the East after such a year of 2020 where nothing is the same , a new alignment has taken place for you, your heart is changed, it has grown, deepened and opened to a deeper level of self intimacy and how that has shifted you, as you welcome the strength and clarity of what your heart understands now of the South and Summers Light!!! On this retreat, you will practice working with Universal Circle to unlock your inner guidance of your heart’s truth speaking and truth seeking as you embody a deeper alignment of your right to be and your great gifts and talents of your soul's heart path!!! By the end of this retreat you will be very clear on the intentions you are ready to nourish for the year to come!! It’s a BIG YEAR to walk your path forward with your soul's purpose!!!
Through the course of the weekend, you’ll learn to build a tool box for yourself through Yoga, Nature Ways, and Ritual in these chaotic yet defining times!! It is time we get our internal being in its strength to move forward for the work that is ahead for you, as you learn how to come back to yourself and deepen into what is important through your own values, integration and cohesiveness of all your parts: Body, Mind, and Essence, so that you may remain STEADY and STRONG for what is ahead and be authentic in your strength for this next cycle of life!! The Sensitive Self was meant to help us survive and stay in balance, however, when it is overtaxed, it collapses, and through these teaching you will be reminded of your internal strength of what it means to move forward in a balanced way!! This retreat will teach you to clear and filter the chaos of everyday life while maintaining your core alignment, functionality and perhaps have joy and love in your heart. This time is for you to honor nature and allow nature to share with you. Learn tools to support your ability to live in the world more balanced and with focus on where you are headed. Learn to honor your acute awareness of thought, feeling, seeing and knowing — your Sensitive self.
This retreat, held 3.5 hours from Boulder at the healing Joyful Journey Hot Springs in the beautiful San Luis Valley, will be a sacred time spent focused on your relationship with the natural world through your yoga practice, and how that relationship can help you cultivate a deeper understanding of your own unique gifts and talents.
What to Expect from Retreat:
*Sunrise Honoring of the 7 Directions Ceremony each Morning
*Learning tools on how to work with the Natural World
*3 Hour Morning Earth Ways Yoga Practice w/ Kate and Live Music by Jay Kraemer
*Relax & Recharge w/ the deeply healing waters of the Mineral Hot Springs
*Healing Vibrant Meals by the Joyful Journey Kitchen
*Nature Walks in the Deeply Healing San Luis Valley
*Summer Fire Honoring Circle
*Deepening connection with Community
*Optional Evening Private Essence Sessions w/ Kate $75
Optional Acupuncture with Jay, $75
Retreat Cost $650 plus accommodations (prices listed below, if you are in FINANCIAL HARDSHIP please reach out for payment plan! We are here to help you get here if this is where you know you want to be!!
Joyful Journey Accommodations options are listed below. Soaking is included in your stay and your meals are included as well.
Visit the Joyful Journey website for more details:
Yurt with one person $158.34 per night
Yurt with two people $193.34 per night
There are varying prices with different rooms, check with Charmaine when you call to book!!
Campsite with one person $60 per night
Campsite with two people $95
Double Queen :$170.67 /per night per night Single Occupancy
Double Queen $205.67 Double Occupancy
Full registration amount is due at registration or you can create a payment plan but due by start of retreat and is non-refundable, accommodation price can be paid through Joyful Journey front desk. Please call Yvette at Joyful Journey to register for your sleeping arrangement!
Please register with Kate 970-314-0406 or at
*Please note that this is a sober event. To honor the space, community and ceremonies we are asking that attendees abstain from alcohol and drugs two days prior to retreat and throughout the duration of the retreat.
Thank you and we look forward to sharing this time with you!
Kate and Jay