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Honoring Summer Solstice with Earth Ways Yoga at Joyful Journey Hot Springs

Please join Kate Mulheron as she gathers in circle to celebrate the ABUNDANT LIGHT of SUMMER SOLSTICE. The longest day of the year is to be celebrated as it is the peak of EVERYTHING you have been growing toward since Winter Solstice this past December. Pausing in ritual to honor the sacred SHIFT is so profound—it's essential. It's so humbling as we bow in reverence to Grandfather Sun as he truly shines in brightness to commemorate this day on your path. You have made it, come celebrate another turn around the sun!

The Summer Solstice represents the brightest day of the year. This day signifies light, personal power, and divine action as you move into this highly energetic and vibrant time. The Summer Solstice presents an opportunity to step further into your potential and all that you can be in this cycle, , to embody the abundance you have cultivated through the course of the year, and to bring those intentions into the physical form. Summer Solstice is a good time to remember that we, like the sun, contain the light to nurture and sustain, and that we have a responsibility to shine as brightly as we can in a self sustaining and balanced way so we do not burn out.

During this time, we will HONOR the 7 Directions. With each direction there will be space to revisit intentions planted at Spring Equinox, as we ask for clarity on action needed to bring these intentions to fruition in this vibrant energy of Summer Solstice and clarity on what we need to let go of. We will then move into self-reflective yoga. We will finish with a visioning that will allow you space to journey deep within yourself through a guided meditation.

Bring a journal if you choose, yoga mat, and any props you like for comfort in sitting and savasana (blocks and blankets will be available at Joyful journey!!

SPECIAL CLASS ADDED!! The next morning on Wednesday the 22nd we will have an Earth Ways Yoga Fire Element 90 minute class to honor the shift into the awakening of your HEART and the meridian channels and acupunture points that go with this seasonal shift!!!

Sign up for your room, yurt, or camping space at Joyful Journey Hot springs and both gatherings comes with your stay, or walk ins are $10! Let me know if you signed up , as I like to know who is coming so I can offer special prepared gifts to remember the space, intentions and energy of the Circle!! I hope to celebrate with you!!!