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California Workshop!!Earth Ways Yoga : Embracing Your Summers Fire and Light Within

Please join Kate Mulheron, creator of Earth Ways Yoga for a 2 hour YOGA journey through the season of Summers Light and the Element FIRE that awakens your heart to light that spark within!! We will acknowledge the four meridian channels that represent the FIRE element in your physical, emotional and energetic body: heart, small intestine, heart protector/paracardium and triple heater and the 8 acupuncture points that accompany these channels , as we will deepen into the spirit of the points from which they represent through the 5 Element Chinese Philosophy of this ancient system that lives in your body!! The trouble with this time too year, is your fire can burn you out where you have no energy to light the passage forward to the growth you have accumulated since your Spring/ Wood Element of Spring Equinox snd all that you planted to grow into what you have blossomed into now!!

Fire, what an incredible time to understand right now, as if you do not balance your fire you might burn out , and if you have too little fire you won’t the energy to do the work or care for yourself ...

acknowledging this great shift within our element , season, cycle and humanness through your balanced bright fire .. it’s so important to honor the shifts of seasons so you can have support universally for your being to do the work that is ahead , this can be a time of burnout so honor what your needs are and take care of them and you!! I hope you come to join our Fire Meridian Workshop as we will breathe slowly, through our sensory system, touch, sound and vision through the Nature Ways, Yoga and trace the meridian channels of your energetic body that will deepen your human experience of healing!!!

Come join me, I would be so honored!!

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