Breaking Free Workshop: Neck, Hips and Shoulders
In this workshop we will focus on using the power of our breath through pranayama and the movement of postures using asana, to unlock areas of our shoulders,hips and neck to find greater freedom and movement in these spaces that can carry such great compression and tension. You will start to learn that the physical pain you hold in these spaces also store emotional blockages that YOU have the power to clear. You will be given tools to work with to find openings in these areas using the power of focused breath attention to the pelvis and shoulders to access an awareness physically in your body so you may learn how to heal yourself using this practice of yoga. Learning to work with proper alignment, building strength physically in your body and to create clarity in mind so you can walk tall in this world with a confidence and strength of the path you were meant to walk. Kate is so excited to be offering this workshop at the New RA Yoga Studio in Newport Beach, CA.
$40.00 Member
$45.00 Non-Member
Pre Register Required: http://tinyurl.com/jae3tl3
Check out the Facebook event page for more information