A Retreat for the Sensitive Self: Using Yoga and the Native Ways
Kate Mulheron and Trudy Welty
Moffat, CO
Yoga and the Native Ways
Please Join Kate and Trudy as they take you on a journey deep within yourself and through your inherent connection with our dear Mother Earth. This Retreat will be a sacred time spent focused on your relationship with the natural world and how that relationship can help you and your sensitive self thrive. By Sensitives, we mean Empaths, Healers, Light Workers, or people who feel deeply what is happening around them, on an emotional, mental, psychic,or essence level. Throughout the weekend you will learn to build a relationship of acceptance with your sensitivities along with learning how to work your unique gifts and talents more conscious in your world to help you in achieving greater balance and ease with in your daily life.
What do Expect from Retreat:
*Learning a Variety of Native Tools that will help you walk in a more Mindful and Balanced Way.
* Learning how to work with the Natural World through Deeply Transformative Meditations.
*Daily 2 hour Earth Ways Yoga Practice with Kate
*Sunrise Honoring of the Directions Ceremony with Miss Trudy
*Mineral Hot Springs to Relax and Recharge
*Healing Vegetarian Meals
*Nature Walks in the Deeply Healing San Luis Valley
Cost: $700 plus Cost of Accommodations
Joyful Journey Hot Springs offers a variety of accommodations including Yurts, Hotels, Tipis and Camping.
Please reserve your spot today with Kat
(708)743-5213 or by email at katemulheronyoga@gmail.com
Visit of Facebook invite for more information