Come CELEBRATE this powerful and sacred time of ABUNDANCE in our Fall Equinox Circle in community. During the ceremony we will HONOR the 7 Directions. With each direction there will be space to revisit intentions planted at Spring Equinox, the intentions planted in March, how have they grown? Are they ready to be harvested? Or do they still need some tender loving care? We ask for clarity of action needed to bring these intentions to fruition in this abundant energy of Fall Equinox, and for clarity on what we need to let go of as we transition toward our Winter's Solstice. We will then move into a self-reflective yoga, with special guest Jay Kraemer gifting us with his sweet and soothing healing music. We will finish with a vision quest that will allow you space to journey deep within yourself through a guided meditation.
Honoring these sacred times of seasonal shift is deeply meaningful to our healing evolution.
"We have been actively working and expressing…putting ourselves and our ideas out into the world, growing and changing. Now is the time to pause, go within, and take stock of how far we have come."
This time is so, so abundant and such an important time to pause, give thanks and receive before the great winter embarks upon our beings! I LOVE this time! Please come and join in community! Our inner work and our growth are our harvest. This is the time to honor our journey and the rebalancing that has taken place within us. Notice the seeds we planted and how they have blossomed thus far. Let’s open our hearts in gratitude
Please expect to be in sacred circle for 2.5 hours. Bring a journal and a yoga mat.
Space is limited and we expect this to sell out. Please sign up at or reach out to Kate.