Please join Kate Mulheron, Jay Kraemer and Chris Corl for the first ever creative channel retreat for the sensitive inspired by Together we will work with RITUAL, YOGA, MUSIC, ART and ASTROLOGY to deepen your intuitive, strengthened ways through your connection with Mother Earth and this deep time of WINTER where we go in to create our winter’s womb and all of its mysteries we embrace through our art!
This yoga retreat, held 3.5 hours from Boulder at the healing Joyful Journey Hot Springs in the beautiful San Luis Valley, will offer a sacred time spent focusing on your relationship with the natural world through your yoga practice, and how that relationship can help you cultivate a deeper understanding of your own unique gifts and talents.
As we engage with this deep intuitive time of the North and the relationship to our inner creative process through the unseen and the unknown, we will embrace our fears of creating and what that means to you and your true gifts and talents! We will prepare for this opening by working intuitively to unlock the fullness of our own sensory systems; learning to flow with our divine CHANNEL to CREATE as SENSITIVES in this world. For we are all CREATIVE, it is your birthright to create, but sometimes we get so stuck and locked into what creating means and build walls against it.
You will practice working with Universal Circle to unlock the inner guidance of your truth speaking and truth seeking through the connection with your “CREATIVE CHILD”. The act of creating is most simply put the act of playing. Many of our most devastating creative blocks come from a blocked artist child; that part inside all of us that has never given up playing. That thrives in imagination, that dreams, and dances, and doesn’t care who is watching. The one within that believes in the infinite and impossible. It is through the connection and nurturance of this part of ourselves that begins the pathway to creative recovery.
Come unlock your natural gifts and talents to create what we are all waiting for you to embody and present to this life. We will work through ceremony and 7 DIRECTIONS, clearing any BIG transitions you have embraced. We will honor the dynamic alignments of Father Sky, to prepare for the awakening of SPRING TIME EQUINOX and the seeds of new intentions you want to inspire through your CREATIVE SELF as we prepare for the EAST as our Winter Water’s art becomes reality!
What to Expect from Retreat:
*Daily sunrise Honoring of the Directions Ceremony, guided seated meditation and Morning Pages *Learning to work with tools on how to work with the Natural World as a sensitive being in this world *3-hour morning Earth Ways Yoga practices with Kate *Relax and recharge with the deeply healing waters of the mineral hot springs *Nourishing and healing foods to support our creative healing process throughout the retreat, created by Dani Beutell and her gifts of art through FOOD *An Art Yurt: In your free time to begin to Create through Music, Art, Paints, Poetry, awaken your creative child *An evening sky teachings with CHRIS CORL and guided night sky journey with Kate Mulheron *An intimate evening of storytelling and music with guitarist and soul singer JAY KRAEMER by the fireside and an option to perform a creation you awakened in this retreat *Nature walks in the deeply healing San Luis Valley *Deepening connection with like-minded community
*Optional Private Sessions w/ Kate $50-$75 sliding scale *Optional Astrology Readings w/ Chris Corl ($75)
Hotel rooms in the lodge: Room with two (2) Queen Beds or single King Single occupancy: $110.00 Double occupancy: $149.00
Room with two (2) Twin beds Single occupancy: $105.00 Double occupancy: $144.00
Yurts: Yurt with one person $99 per night Yurt with two people $120 per night ($60 pp) Yurt with three people $147 per night ($49 pp)
Full registration amount is due at registration and is non-refundable, accomodation price can be paid upon arrival (cash or check please).
Please register with Kate at
*Please note that this is a sober event. To honor the space, community and ceremonies we are asking that attendees abstain from alcohol and drugs three days prior to retreat and throughout the duration of the retreat.
Thank you and we look forward to sharing this time with you!