We are now in Autumn’s depths. All the growth that could be cultivated from your Spring’s seed into Summer’s growth and abundance has now paused into this moment of embracing the wisdom that this is enough for now as we deepen into this beautiful act of bowing into the slow down.
The element corresponding to Fall in the 5 Element lineage is METAL. Fall is when we learn to let go of what is no longer needed in our lives, and in turn the emotion of GRIEF is present, as to let go means we need to grieve what we once loved which must now fall away.
Fall is the season of LUNGS and LARGE INTESTINES support, and it’s in this season that we sharpen our swords of discernment to know what is so pure to hold onto and what is impure that may fall away from the alignment of who we are today.
In our time together in circle we will vision into the element metal and work into a yoga practice designed to open the meridian lines of our lung and large intestines. We will learn to breathe deeply into these meridian pathways to define what is pure and impure, and how to know the difference!
Jay Kraemer will join us for LIVE MUSIC, guiding us through his intuitive soundscaping to deepen our journey together with the waves of sound healing. We will deepen into a soul vision quest to complete this ceremony.
We hope you can join us to honor this next layer in your seasonal shift as we ease into Mother Nature and her teachings to help us find balance into this next phase of our growth!
This event will sell out and preregistration is required. Please register online at www.tulahotyogadenver.com, in person at the studio or call 303-777-7550!