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Summer Solstice Circle with Kate Mulheron

  • Mccauley Family Farm 9421 North 63rd Street Longmont, CO, 80503 United States (map)

Please join Kate Mulheron as she gathers in circle with community to celebrate the awakened LIGHT. The longest day of the year is to be celebrated as it is the peak of EVERYTHING you have been growing toward since Winter Solstice this past December...oh what a long and strange trip it has been!! I probably say this every year in speaking to this experience as a soul in a human experience...but so extraordinary are the waves of isolation, to the tumultuous rip curls that can bring you down...through the calm waters that always come…we are always riding the will never stop. This is why pausing in ritual to honor the sacred of the SHIFT is so profound—it's essential. It's so humbling as we bow in reverence to Grand Father Sun as he truly shines in brightness to commemorate this day on your path. 

The Summer Solstice represents the brightest day of the year. This day signifies light, personal power, and divine action as you move into this highly energetic and vibrant time. The Summer Solstice presents an opportunity to step further into your power, to embody the power you have cultivated through the course of the year, and to bring those intentions into the physical form. 

Summer Solstice is a good time to remember that we, like the sun, contain the power to nurture and sustain, and that we have a responsibility to shine as brightly as we can in a self-sustaining way so we do not burn away. :) 

We are excited to be hosting this event under the stars at McCauley Family Farm in Longmont!! This is a very special family farm that has hosted this circle before. We are thrilled to come back to celebrate this rich time of beauty and joy!!

In this special Father's Day ceremony, we will honor FATHER Sun Star and the significance of his light, clarity, and warmth in our own circle and community…Join us as we Celebrate this very sacred day with our very special community. During the ceremony we will HONOR the 7 Directions. With each direction there will be space to revisit intentions planted at Winter Solstice as we ask for clarity on action needed to bring these intentions to fruition in this vibrant energy of Summer Solstice and clarity on what do we need to let go of. We will then move into a self-reflective yoga. We will finish with a vision quest that will allow you space to journey deep within yourself through a guided meditation.

Please expect to be in sacred circle for three hours. Bring a journal, yoga mat, and a blanket/pillows should you desire it for savasana. And if you so choose to bring a dish or treat to share with others after circle we shall eat together under the night sky! 

Please note: Space is limited to 30 spots and we expect this to sell out. Please message Kate or Caitlin Oriel with any questions. 

Cost sliding scale: $30-$40. We are asking that you prepay to reserve your spot. Please reach out to Kate or Caitlin to reserve your spot and offer your monetary exchange.